Monday, February 25, 2013

Tap Tap Tap

It's that time of year again. Cold nights below freezing and warm days. The sap is starting to flow and we are ready too.

So we invited a few friends to help us tap the trees. Of course our experienced tapper Kevin was back this year.

New to our team this year is James.

Sugaring is often more about the fun with friends than just the end product. Everything is better when shared with friends.

Walk in the Park

What's better than a walk in the park on a warm sunny winter day?
Spending the day with family you have not seen in a while. 
We have come together under sad circumstances we are 
enjoying our time together. 

 The Schoeck Family

Is that Don Schoeck or James Bond?

Playing in the snow  making a snowman.

Eating the snow??


Mother and daughter

Sharing memories.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Yummy Chocolate

 Happy Valentine Day!

Chocolate is a favorite treat in our house and Valentine's Day is a perfect excuse to buy chocolate.

Or if you are lucky, a good friend will send you chocolate covered strawberries for no other reason than "just because."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mini Home Gym Progress

It's all coming together now.

First we sectioned off a small area of the unfinished basement to convert into what would be the mini home gym. Steven framed it out and the father and son team put up the Sheetrock. There was several days of taping, applying joint compound and sanding, applying joint compound and sanding...before I could prime the walls. But then things starting coming together fast and it really started to look like a room.

The walls were painted. The room was wired for electricity. The ceiling went up and the lighting installed. After the floor went down we moved treadmill in and installed the TV and DVD player. So much progress!

It is exciting to see it start to look like what we had envisioned. We created our vision of the gym based on pictures of other home gyms we found on the Internet and in magazines. It is not done yet but it is close. Next week we will install the molding and add the last of the finishing touches.