Saturday, April 13, 2013

Change is Good

Nothing stays the same forever. Change is inevitable. So, you might as well make it worth while.
I made a big change this week. I cut my hair short. This is something I have been thinking about for a little while now. And if I was going to make such a big change I figured I would make it worth while. So I donated my hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. My cut hair, usually swept up as trash at the salon, will now go towards making a wig for a cancer patient.
It will take some time to get use to this but so far I like it.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Climb For Air

We did it! We climbed 32 flights of stairs in gear
The Climb for Air is a fundraiser for American Lung Association's research, education and advocacy. Our team raised nearly $2,500. The event raised about $25,000. 

It was originally scheduled for Saturday Feb. 9 but it was postponed due to the weather. Remember the snowstorm? Well, it was rescheduled for Saturday Feb. 23. Steven finished in 7 minutes and I finished in 8:30. Those times were OK. I was amazed at other people's times. The fastest time went to a 52 year old gentleman (NOT in gear) who finished in 2:30! WOW! It was a great event for a great cause. We are looking forward to doing it again next year and hoping to do beat our times. 

The Team 
Standing: Brenden Noonan, Kevin Donovan, Steven Schoeck, Joe Amento
Kneeling: Cristina Schoeck, Al Barns

Once we caught our breath and rehydrate with water we went over to O'Tooles for the after party and the awards ceremony. I won fastest female firefighter.

Our Team Page

Thursday, April 4, 2013

End Of Another Season

We had a fantastic sugaring season! Best we ever had!
The sap flowed freely. So much so that after we made six gallons of maple syrup we decided we didn't need to make anymore and pulled the taps. 
"Only take what you need"

Every year we learn a little bit more. Last year we marked the Sugar Maple Trees just before the leaves fell with ribbons that didn't last through the winter very well. This year we marked the trees that we tapped with more permanent markers. We got this idea from a trail we walk on with the Anderson Family at Welch Island, NH. 

And now onto our next hobby adventure. Stay tuned.